Th., May 8 News Trades Results +103 pips

We got the opportunity to make a double profit on EURUSD today. As the price went up, we went long at 1.3956. Both price targets were reached for a total profit of +50 pips. The stop-loss order for the 3rd unit has been set at the break even price and it was hit later.

Then, the EURUSD price dropped and we went short at 1.3898. Both profit targets for the short position were reached and the 3rd unit has been closed as the price started to recover.

The actual signals for these trades are shown in the previous post.

The total profit for the EURUSD trade was +50+20+37+32 = +139 pips (see the chart below):

EURUSD news trade May8


The GBPUSD price went up but not far and not for long. We closed this position with a small loss of -36 pips. See the signal to close and the chart below.

FX signal May8-1

GBPUSD news trade May8