The total trading result for this week is +36 pips of profit.
Prices of major currency pairs spent the most part of this week going sideways in trading ranges with low volatility. If you are new to trading and wondering why everybody keeps talking about the volatility, please read my answer to this question posted on Quora some time ago:
Trading (finance) Why is low volatility in the forex markets bad for traders?
Traders make money on price moves. They either buy low and sell high or sell high and buy low in the case of short selling. If there is no price move there is no money to be made. As simple as that.
The direction of the move is not important but it’s imperative that there is a meaningful price move. Since no one can predict on a regular basis when the price is going to change, traders can capture only some part of the move. Therefore the move has to be wide enough for a trader to recognize the move, open a position and make a reasonable profit on that position before the direction of the move changes.
Trading non-volatile choppy markets is very difficult and requires a lot of patience and strict money management.
The up to date weekly Forex trading results since the start of this blog:
Week 1: +231 pips
Week 2: – 19 pips
Week 3: +415 pips
Week 4: +366 pips
Week 5: +137 pips
Week 6: +150 pips
Week 7: + 220 pips
Week 8: +155 pips
Week 9: + 23 pips
Week 10: –149 pips
Week 11: +465 pips
Week 12: +126 pips
Week 13: + 50 pips
Week 14: +306 pips
Week 15: +201 pips
Week 16: + 11 pips
Week 17: +325 pips
Week 18: + 80 pips
Week 19: –133 pips
Week 20: +380 pips
Week 21: – 32 pips
Week 22: + 66 pips
Week 23: –144 pips
Week 24: +218 pips
Week 25: -109 pips
Week 26: + 51 pips
Week 27: +166 pips
Week 28: +210 pips
Week 29: +157 pips
Week 30: + 52 pips
Week 31: +114 pips
Week 32: +334 pips
Week 33: + 96 pips
Week 34: -207 pips
Week 35: -152 pips
Week 36: +219 pips
Week 37: – 43 pips
Week 38: + 36 pips
Week 39: +188 pips
Week 40: + 36 pips
Total: +4,596 pips