Dec. 21, end of week results +137 pips (total profit: 1,130 pips)

I didn’t have time for trading on Friday. Still, this was another profitable week with the following results:

Mo. +20 pips
Tu. +85 pips
Wd. -28 pips
Th. +40 pips
Total: +137 pips
Today is exactly one month since I started this blog on Nov. 21, 2013 and the total result is the profit of  +1130 pips. 
If we divide 1130 by the number of business days, we get an average profit of 1130 : 22 = 51 pips per day. This makes us way ahead of our goal of making just 10 pips per day.
Why do we want to make 10 pips per day, you can see it here: How much money can you make trading Forex part-time?